Mei Ling
Mei Ling is financially trained as a Chartered Accountant and Certified Internal Auditor. Since 2010, she has moved on to manage both full time and part time trainers seconded in MOE registered schools. She has heard many interesting stories related to her by her trainers and is constantly amused by the trainers’ tips and tricks to engage the young learning minds. Mei Ling has three children of her own; who have constantly amazed her with their inquisitive minds so she clearly understands the expectations of most parents’ about sending their own kids for either weekly enrichment classes or holiday camps.
“Many parents want to ensure that their children have something positive to take away and that they can apply to their school & world-based learning throughout their future.”
Many coding courses offered by other centers only scratch the surface of learning objectives. However, at KidsCode, we are committed to break the mold and encourage the kids to explore and develop their passion towards programming, which will be useful to them in Singapore’s Smart Nation initiative.